
comment love

Comment Love Challenge

not so long ago in my 'not-a-resolution' list {my twelve for twelve} i told myself that i was going to make a conscious effort to be a better blogger.  to post better quality and to interact more genuinely within the blogging community.

one of the largest parts of this for me is to provide better and more comments.  too frequently i read a great post.  i feel inspired, connected, thankful or just plain entertained.  i want to let the author know this but i am reading on my dang smart-phone and it's a giant pain to reply and i tell myself that i will do it later... but i don't.  or i want to comment on a post really well... the kind of comment that will spark thought, conversation, healthy debate.  so i mark it unread vowing to return once i have drafted the world's most amazing comment in my brain.  and then i start doing laundry, or watching 'parenthood' or just fall down the rabbit hole into other great blogs and never do return.  good intentions, and all that.

but i have come to realize that if most bloggers are like me they aren't expecting the next 'war and peace' as a blog comment.  sometimes just a simple 'this inspired me' is enough to put a smile on my face knowing that someone read and appreciated my post.  a small connection, but a connection just the same.

and so i come to the 'comment love challenge' hosted by sarah at 'desirous of everything'.  please use this link to read sarah's introduction post to the challenge.  she has outlined it better than i ever could.  i hope you'll join and spread the comment love.

see ya in the comment section!  {oh yeah, i just went there!}