the other day my friend jenn sent me a picture with the message "do you want these baskets?" to which i was all YESSSSSS! give to me all the free baskets! free seemed like a perfect price to pay to help me organize my comfy cozy clothes. while not a perfect long term solution it is certainly a step up from what i was using to corral my sweats and pjs and did not cost out of pocket.
the second is being used to store out album collection while i continue to look for something more permanent. a while back i saw a photo of some amazing clear album sized boxes with hinged lids. at least i think i saw it. i feel like it was on instagram but i have searched again and cannot find it so now i am thinking i dreamed about these amazing clear storage boxes. it has been known to happen. i once had a dream i told jenn some important information but i didn't in real life and couldn't figure out why she was giving me "the face" when i was talking about it later not realizing that she had no clue to what i was referring. true story.
in any case this basket is definitely way better than the cardboard boxes that sat on our dining table for way too many weeks. so yeah for having our table back. for free.
have you thrifted or been gifted something awesome recently?
have you thrifted or been gifted something awesome recently?